Rental Options and Features

  • Fully Furnished One Bedroom Condo
    Rent starts at $1,200.00 -$1,600 month tenant pays the electric
    Rent starts at $1,400.00 - $1,800 month which includes electric
    Both plans include cable TV, water, sanitation, municipal services, trash removal
    Equal security deposit Minimum lease term 3 months
    Furnished units include appliances, utensils, furniture, flat screen TV’s in living room & bedroom, linens, towels/wash clothes, etc.
    Company billing available as well as payment accepted thru Pay Pal
    Option: Housekeeping / linen change $50.00/per cleaning

  • Unfurnished One Bedroom Condo
    Rent starts at $900.00 - $1,400 month tenant pays the electric
    Rent starts at $1,100.00 - $1,600 month which includes electric
    Both plans include cable TV, water, sanitation, municipal services, trash removal
    Equal security deposit Minimum lease term 6 months

Call or Text (304) 545-7206 for availability.

Terrace Park is so close to everything. Not only is the condo very liveable but the location allows me to get to work and shopping with equal ease.
— Sara Wilson~

Monthly Rent payment Includes

Basis Cable-TV
Water | Sewer
Pest Control
Trash Removal

Coin laundry on premise
Private parking
Security Access Entry System
Heated swimming pool (in season)

Fully Furnished Units Includes all appliances and utensils, all furniture, flat screen TV in living room & bedroom, all linens, towels/wash clothes, etc | Pet Friendly (Subject to terms of Pet Policy)

Typical Unit

Colors and Furnishing differ between the condos